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3D Forum > Job Offer ...

Job Offer ...

02.01.2016 12:43
StephanSa. 02 Jan. 2016, 12:43 Uhr
Good Morning everybody, in case im not on the right place please delete this add !!!
We are a german start up company with a office in Dubai ( UAE ) , we are offer a paid job as a Head of Design ( Fixed Salery and company Shares ) !
Everybody who is intrested in this Position can enter a Competition ( which is payed for the Winner with 30.000,- USD ) for a Futuristic Personal Drone as Sample take a look on the " VOLOCOPTER " ...
Here are the details :
- one and two seater design
- open and closed cabine
- 32 Motors in a coaxial system ( just google X8 Multicopter to know how the propellers are mounted up and down - 16 up , 16 down )
- a very futuristic and inovative design is a must
- send your Design to development (at) sfm.technology

Kind regards
Gigantus3DSa. 02 Jan. 2016, 21:10 Uhr
Wäre ja toll wenn man wenigstens eine Webseite angegeben hätte, wegen der Firma etc.
IrmisatoSo. 03 Jan. 2016, 19:43 Uhr
Site currently under construction:
Gigantus3DSo. 03 Jan. 2016, 20:58 Uhr
Danke Irmisato smile


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