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3D Forum > Interior visualization, modeling, archiviz lessons from Primary Certified Instructor

Interior visualization, modeling, archiviz lessons from Primary Certified Instructor

11.05.2017 16:29
faustDo. 11 Mai. 2017, 16:29 Uhr
Private lessons, 3d max + Corona, special course of interior and exterior visualization.
This course will tell you how to create photo-realistic renders fast and easy, based on my own 9 years experience in CG and interior design.

Duration: 10- 14 hours
Individual plan, one-on-one lessons via Skype based on flexible schedule

Organisations are welcomed.
faustDo. 11 Mai. 2017, 16:30 Uhr
faustDo. 11 Mai. 2017, 16:30 Uhr
faustFr. 05 Jan. 2018, 16:16 Uhr
Special Corona Renderer course, interior and exterior visualization, mainly for instructors and advanced users.
Duration: 12 - 16 hours, individual schedule, online or offline
Discount for groups (3+)
- One Corona Renderer license for the duration of their certification, free of charge – which means one free full FairSaaS license for 2 years.
- Corona Renderer licenses for their students to use during their courses, free of charge.
- 10% discounts on a yearly license for their Certified Users.
- Access to the latest electronic versions of the Corona Academy educational materials, to keep up to date with revisions and changes, so that the materials stay in line as Corona Renderer develops.

CG schools, Studios, Arch Bureau are welcomed!
faustMo. 28 Mai. 2018, 11:17 Uhr
faustSa. 12 Jan. 2019, 11:27 Uhr


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