newproductsSa. 25 Jun. 2011, 12:52 Uhr
ich würde gerne per Script aus einem Array etwas 'herausschneiden'.
manuell in den Viewports geht es. (Max2009)
Per script leider nicht. ( egal ob ProBoolean, ProCutter..)
Wer hat einen Tipp ?
-- howto PRO BOOLEAN / Pro Cutter (cut) something out of a Group or array ???
cutSomethingOutOfme =
for j=1 to 10 collect
for i=1 to 10 collect
Box lengthsegs:1 widthsegs:1 heightsegs:1 length:22.4628 width:12.9822 height:12.735 mapcoords:on pos:[15*i,j*23,0] isSelected:on
group $box* name:"allBoxes"
aSphere=Sphere radius:51.562 smooth:on segs:32 chop:0 slice:off sliceFrom:0 sliceTo:0 mapcoords:on recenter:off pos:[80,120,0] isSelected:on
ProCutter.CreateCutter #(aSphere) 1 True False False False False
ProCutter.AddStocks aSphere #(allBoxes) 1 1
-- unfortunatly nothing is cut out , the sphere is still there and all the boxes