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3D Forum > Fan-Film looking for VFX/CG Artists

Fan-Film looking for VFX/CG Artists

17.09.2014 21:27
Will ArmstrongMi. 17 Sep. 2014, 21:27 Uhr
We are a private and non profit Fan-Film Project, based on the popular TV series Stargate.


We are currently looking for reinforcement in the area of VFX/CG-Postproduction. There are over 100 shots that would have to be edited.

- 4K Textures
- 3D Matte Painting
- Compositing
- Rotoscoping

The Project achieved no profits with this Film.
This Film is being implemented by Fans for Fans.

A fee can not be paid, that Material can be later use as a Reel and of course there are Credits in the Film.

If you are interested in helping us, Contact me under the following email adress: puerto-tabako@web.de
Will ArmstrongSa. 11 Okt. 2014, 16:59 Uhr
Wir suchen derzeit nach 3D Modellierer für einige unfertige High Poly Modelle und noch zu erstellenden Objekten.

Wenn Sie daran interessiert sind, uns zu helfen, Kontaktieren Sie uns hier oder unter folgender E-Mail-Adresse: puerto-tabako@web.de

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